Tasks Assistant

Ava's Tasks Assistant allows managers to approve tasks, and also flag important tasks and proactively push against deadlines and due dates. Moreover, it helps employees to keep up to date on the status of requests.

System requirements

System setup

Access rights

Assign access rights for the relevant users as listed in User access checklist.

Process definitions

Proactive notifications

To receive proactive notification of pending tasks, define importance criteria (high or very high) for each relevant element type.

Ava will notify you if:

Note that some workflow tasks cannot be completed in the chatbot, for example, correction/ammendment tasks in an entry window. By default Ava will not notify the user about such tasks. This behaviour can be changed by enabling the feature flag u4da-tasks-notify-unsupported-tasks for the tenant. Notifications for these tasks contain only limited information and a link to Unit4 ERP where the task can be completed. Caution: If this feature is enabled, users might also get notifications for tasks that have already been handled by other people (in case of workflow steps with multiple approvers).

Submitted request status

Provided a submitted request or claim (absence, travel, purchase or expense) is sent to workflow, an employee can inquire on its status. When Ava is asked, for example, Show the status of my…, the digital assistant displays whether the request is stored as a draft, is awaiting approval or has been approved.

Currently, request status is not returned for timesheets.

Window options

Element type Minimum requirements
Absences Resource, date from, date to, total absence hours, time from, time to, total absence hours per day
Goods Received Order number, supplier, line number, product description, delivered quantity
Invoices Supplier, invoice number, amount to approve, currency
Purchase Orders Requisitioner, supplier, product description, quantity, unit code, price, currency
Requisitions Requisitioner, product description, quantity, unit, price
Timesheets Resource, hours to approve, project, time, time unit
Travel Expenses Resource, purpose, expense description, amount
Travel Requests Resource, country

Tasks notifications setup

Refer to Ava notifications guide.

Element types

The following element types are available with the Tasks Assistant and the new Tasks web viewer:

Several tasks can be approved at the same time, except for invoices and travel expenses which need individual review. When approval tasks are shown (either because the user has required it or it's a notification), actions can be performed on the tasks, such as approve or reject, as well as navigating to the new Tasks web viewer to view more details or more actions. Tasks deals with pending approval tasks. It organizes the tasks according to their element types and is responsive.

Tasks mobile view Tasks tablet view
TasksMobile TasksTablet

Grouping of tasks

The parameter TM_TASK_STEP_GRP can be used to set how tasks are grouped when shown in Ava.

In both scenarios, Ava shows all actions that are shared by all tasks currently being displayed.

Note that when naming user steps, consideration should be given to choosing meaningful and descriptive step names and how these will appear in Ava etc.