Time Assistant
Ava's Time Assistant helps with submission of weekly timesheets for approval. Time can be registered daily and weekly.
Note that Ava currently only support time registration in hours.
System requirements
- Timesheet service V201511Mobile configured (Unit4 ERP7 only). For more details, refer to Reference Manual Project Costing and Billing.
- People Planner Experience pack installed for using planned time.
- Unit4 ERP user with one or more registered timesheets and/or planned/assigned time falling within the last 60 days (Ava uses these to suggest projects/work tasks to the user).
Assign access rights
Assign access rights for the relevant users as listed in User access checklist.
System setup
- Configure a workschedule in the client for the user.
- Grant user access to the Timesheet service V201511Mobile (Unit4 ERP7 only)
- Users can have planned time defined in the People Planner module (PPP Experience pack). Selecting the Show assignments field in the Import section of the (TTS111) Timesheet setup window in Unit4 ERP includes planned / assigned time in the users' timesheets. This setup is recommended to enhance the user experience.